Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chapter 6- Eulogy

Usually, a eulogy is about someone who has recently died; therefore, it is obviously orated by someone other than the deceased. However, Billy Pilgrim delivers his own eulogy since "as a time-traveler he has seen his own death many times"(141). He is certain that his death will be at the hands of Paul Lazzaro who still demands to ascertain revenge for the death of Roland Weary. Also, Billy Pilgrim knows that he will die on February 13, 1976. On this day, he is to address a crowd while in Chicago and discuss his time traveling expeditions. While in the middle of his speech, Billy predicts that he will die within the hour and jokes about it by saying, "'It is high time I was dead.'"(142). Shocked, the crowd protests, but Billy Pilgrim assures them that he embraces death for that was the message of his speech. This eulogy is rather optimistic since Billy does not condemn his own death. After sending his police protection home, Billy Pilgrim is shot by a laser gun which results in his death. "So it goes."

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