Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chapter 2- Motivation

"He [Roland Weary] had been unpopular because he was stupid and fat and mean, and smelled like bacon no matter how much he washed." (35)

Based upon the above description, one can understand why others did not particularly want to be associated with Roland Weary.  Since Roland was always "ditched in Pittsburgh by people who did not want him with them", he would seek out a victim to befriend whom he would later beat up. This pattern can be described as motivation since Roland's motivation for beating up people stems from the detrimental impact of being constantly ditched by his peers. In order to feel powerful, Roland would victimize innocents such as Billy Pilgrim. When Roland realized that he was not included in the scout clique, the Three Musketeers, his pain morphed into violence against Billy as a form of retribution. Weary nearly shattered Pilgrim's spine until he realized that he had an audience to his odious act. Due to his negative motivation, Roland consistently transformed himself into the same being as his catalysts, a bully.

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